One month into Classic's lifetime, my hunter has been my first character to hit level 30. I still think of the shaman as my "main", but I'm trying to keep that one in sync with my husband right now, whose enthusiasm for Classic has greatly diminished and whom I can therefore only get to play every couple of days. Meanwhile the hunter is always available for a short play session here or there during the week, so she was bound to get ahead in levels eventually.
Level 30 meant that I got my favourite of all hunter abilities:
As you can see in the screenshot above, I also went ahead and tamed that second pet I'd been thinking about. I opted for a plain old cloud serpent from Thousand Needles this time, no rare skin or anything. I'm hoping for distinction through species for this one, as I don't see many hunters running with cloud serpents, most seeming to prefer cats. It does remain funny to me how due to this, even "rare" cat skins seem way more common than whole other species.
For example I've seen about three different night elves with the Ghost Saber already, and I ran into a multiboxer who was playing five identical hunters who all had Echeyakee as their pet. Comparatively, I haven't even seen a single hunter of either faction with a spider pet so far... but then that might change once the PvP system comes in and people have an incentive to conduct psychological warfare against arachnophobes in battlegrounds.
Hunter may well be the most fun class to play solo in my opinion, to the point that I don't even mind grinding mobs. There's just something very relaxing about sending your pet in and then just plonking away at the enemy from range.
Belghast had a good post about farming spots up a few days ago, and I spent several nights in that vein killing furbolgs in Thistlefur Hold in Ashenvale. It's a place that wouldn't meet all of Belghast's criteria for a good farm spot, not least because the nearest vendor for Horde characters is miles away, but it's pleasantly unpopular with the crowds and offers a dense mob population that's easy enough to kill if you're high enough level.
I remember back in Vanilla I didn't even find out about its existence until I levelled my first Horde character, since it's so easy to miss as Alliance, and it being basically one big cave crammed with furbolgs doesn't make it a particularly pleasant place to be in general... but I didn't find it too much of a problem. I only died once in there, and that was due to such a hilariously out of control overpull that it was at least as amusing as it was frustrating.
While farming those furbolgs I got my first blue BoE world drop in Classic. I paused and took a screenshot, just like my first blue drop on Kronos was among my highlights of levelling on that server. Rare items in Classic live up to their name.
It was an off-hand called Antipodean Rod and while spell damage is generally a good stat, I wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. According to Wowhead comments it's a very good twink item for mages, but of course there is no real market for that yet with no battlegrounds.
I tried putting it up on the auction house for three gold anyway, but it didn't sell and the next time I checked someone else had put one up for a single gold. I decided that I didn't want to part with my first blue for that little money and sent it to my lowbie mage instead.
Yes, I made another alt, why not? (Not a cow this time, simply because they can't be spellcasters.) This one's main purpose was actually to become my disenchanter, since I was recently reminded that disenchanting had no level requirements back in Vanilla. Doesn't mean I'm not going to play her at least a little bit.
And so it goes, as everything I do in Classic quickly sets me on the path towards something else, and it feels like I have endless goals to pursue. This is why I expect that it's going to keep me busy for a while.
A New Age of Charlatanism Arrives
5 hours ago