Ever since the leaked Blizzard survey about Classic Burning Crusade from March, a lot of Classic players have pretty much taken it for granted that Classic TBC is bound to happen, even though nothing's officially been confirmed by Blizzard. The big unknowns are "just" how the transition to the expansion is going to be handled and how "original Classic" will continue to be maintained.
Apparently Blizzard themselves aren't entirely sure yet... because this week people started talking about another survey going out, this one trying to get a feel for how many people would want to focus on TBC over Classic... and not just any form of Classic, but new servers starting from the ground up.
There's no denying that the concept of such progression servers is a popular one. Everquest has managed to make an art form out of it, and let's not forget that Everquest's Holly Longdale joined the WoW Classic team earlier this year, so she's probably been sharing details about just how well this stuff works with Blizzard by now.
The WoW private server scene also has a history of getting very hyped up about the release of a new server, leading to it being flooded on launch day before the population invariably drops off again. That said, with private servers this tends to be at least partially a result of the practical realities of that scene, which is that servers are prone to shutting down after a couple of years, meaning that players are more or less forced to start over repeatedly if they want to keep playing and have to accept that their characters are only ever going to be ephemeral.
Keeping all that in mind, I suppose it's no surprise that there've been calls for Classic to have fresh servers every so often almost from the beginning. I've not been a big fan of this myself, because it doesn't really match my own play style. Sure, I can absolutely appreciate the appeal of starting over on a new character, maybe even on a new server... but I don't need everyone else to do so with me at the same time. Also, I was not a huge fan of the ephemeral nature of private servers when I played on them - questions of legality aside, for me it's been a major appeal of Classic that it offers stability, with me knowing that my characters won't just disappear in the foreseeable future and that I have time to level at my own pace, not just a main but also alts. I get the impression that the biggest proponents of progression servers are fairly hardcore players who view everything as a bit of a race, "complete" the content fairly quickly and then just want to start over again to do better next time.
Now, the Blizzard survey doesn't confirm that we'll get Classic progression servers, it just kind of throws them out there as an option to gauge people's reactions. It also pits Classic TBC and progression servers directly against each other, forcing you to choose one or the other, so there isn't e.g. an option to say that you'd like to just keep playing Classic on your existing server. A community member created a copy of the survey in Google forms so that we as players can also get an idea of what sort of data Blizzard might be getting from this. You can take the survey here if it's still open by the time you read this, or go straight to the results page.
The community copy of the poll does somewhat affirm my suspicion that while there absolutely is an audience interested in the concept of fresh start servers, it would be a mistake to think that this includes the majority of players, as even when completed by a fairly hardcore audience of people that follow out-of-game developments about Classic, only about ten percent of respondents state that they'd make a new progression server their main focus in the game. (At the time of me writing this, the Google version of the survey has received a little over 4k responses.)
You could say: Well, what's the problem? It doesn't have to appeal to the majority of players to be viable; why not just launch a couple of fresh Classic servers for those who like them?
I suppose I'm not completely against that, but what does rub me the wrong way about the whole concept of adding Classic progression servers is that it would introduce the idea of planned obsolescence to Classic. You can't just keep adding new servers when the player base isn't constantly growing - you'll just spread the number of players thinner and thinner until you're forced to merge servers again.
You could argue that this is likely to happen anyway if/when Classic TBC comes out, but the point is that I still think that it's something that should be avoided where possible, not actively encouraged. Retail WoW doesn't have to deal with any of this stuff because almost everything is cross-server nowadays, but this has also led to a decline in things like server identity and community. Bringing those things back was one of Classic's stated goals, which is why it has a more old-school server structure to begin with. If the populations of some servers fall below the point of being viable and would benefit from being merged, so be it - but to put it simply: Personally I don't want to see my server's integrity suffer because Blizzard is syphoning off players to start over on a new server just for the sake of it.
Well, the thing about Classic is that if we pick an arbitrary ending --and either BC or Wrath are the popular ones I hear about on Myz-- there's planned obsolescence built in already. There's almost no interest in Cataclysm onward from the Classic crowd, so at the latest it's Wrath that these servers will end with.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's the same thing though. Blizzard can't make people stay if they get bored. The whole point of the Classic project though was the assumption that the game in that state has appeal as it is and will retain it over time. Not for everyone, but for many.
DeleteFrom my experience with EverQuest I would say that there is absolutely no way for Blizzard to keep everyone happy over this. If they just moved all the Classic servers on to Burning Crusade there'd be uproar. The whole point of "Classic" for many people was that it be just that - forever. For what's probably more people, though, they have to progress to the next expansion and then the expansion after that. Whether Redbeard's right about WotLK being a hard cut-off I don't know but honestly I doubt it. There will be a demographic that demands to carry on - the issue is how large it is.
ReplyDeleteAs you demonstrate, though, even the widest imaginable please-all solution (keeping some Classic servers "as-is", starting new Classic servers, starting new BC-start-point servers and also moving some Classic servers on to BC - all with free transfers, for example) will still seem unacceptable to a portion of the playerbase because of the way it splits and dilutes the comunity. Blizzard aprobably has both the capability and the size of audience to do all these things in an economically viable framework but it won't make them much more popular than if they just pick a subset of the most profitable options and go with those. Any way they handle this there will be a lot of angry customers - but as we know from experience, most of those will just bluster and then buckle down and get on with whatever their personal least-worst option seems to be. Or at least something like that is what happens every time EQ re-splits its audience.
Absolutely. While I'm campaigning for my preferred option, I don't exactly expect to rage-quit if they decide to do things differently, and I appreciate that it's a tricky situation. Ultimately we can only wait and see.
DeleteWell..for me the part of playing now is to level my chars and plan ahead to TBC.Jewelcrafting..Allly Shaman and BE Paladin.Saving up stuff and banking it for when it comes..so the only option that will keep me happy is the first one in the original survey..let the servers I play(Mirage & Nethergard both PvE)progress to TBC.
ReplyDeleteAn unofficial copy of the second poll from Blizzard :
I take it you only read the first half of the post? ;) Since I linked that exact survey and talked about it in the second half.
DeleteAnyway, I too want to progress to TBC, though my preferred option would be a full server copy so that we can also keep a copy of all our chars in original Classic.
I suspect Blizzard will let the existing servers progress to BC. Then they can reintroduce Classic-only servers later once the BC server excitement cools down. I can see them doing this sort of leap frog of expansions until the final bits of Wrath hit.
ReplyDeleteAfter that, who know? Heck, I could see them adding the Classic versions of the quests and zones to Chromie time in Retail if they felt they needed the boost there.