
I Tried Mythic Plus

Mythic Plus has always been a strange beast to me. It was introduced in Legion, when I wasn't playing, and everything I heard about it just sounded incredibly alien. Over the years, retail WoW has sacrificed a lot of immersion on the altar of gameplay and convenience, but the very concept of Mythic Plus just seemed to take things to a whole new level: over a dozen difficulty levels, with mechanics that changed all the time? Seasons, scoreboards and timers? What does any of that still have to do with the World of Warcraft? I seem to remember reading that the whole concept was basically imported from Diablo 3, which I've never played - it certainly seemed like an odd transplant.

It also didn't seem like something that would ever interest me at all, not least because of everything being timed. I was already getting annoyed with WoW's "rush rush" culture by Wrath of the Lich King, and Torghast certainly didn't seem to get any better when they added a timer to it either. The thought of racing against the clock with a bunch of hostile pugs just sounded dreadful...

And yet... I've always been reading about Kaylriene's adventures in Mythic Plus with a certain interest, and from the way he described the whole experience, it struck me at some point that if circumstances were different, if I was fifteen years younger and playing with a tight group of friends, maybe I would have enjoyed Mythic Plus too. After all, if I'm being honest and immersion aside, it's not that different from something like the Zul'Aman bear run, right?

Now, Dragonflight has been a good expansion for me so far not just because I've personally been having fun playing it casually, but also because my friends have been playing too. My husband and I are in a mini guild with a few friends from SWTOR, and we've actually had four of us playing at max level consistently - which might not sound like much but has been unprecedented for our group. Naturally we worked our way through all the normal mode dungeons together, and when we hit heroics we soon realised that we already overgeared them, and that the next step up for us would be mythic - a mode we had never done at level before.

Last week one of the weekly quests in Valdrakken was to do four mythic dungeons, so we agreed that the time had finally come. One of our guildies also roped in his brother to help us, since he's a much more experienced modern WoW player than any of us and could provide guidance and instructions on how things worked. (Incidentally, since said brother played a blood elf this was also my first ever cross-faction group.)

So we went ahead and did some mythics! We started with a mythic zero Neltharus and Algeth'ar Academy, and then used the keystones that we received to proceed into a +2 Ruby Life Pools and a +2 Temple of the Jade Serpent, followed by a +5 Court of Stars and +5 Halls of Valor.

And somewhat to my surprise, it was good fun! Mythic zero wasn't really much of a step up from heroic, and the low keys also only increased the difficulty in baby steps, so it didn't feel like as big of a jump as I had feared. The timer was also just a formality at this level, as we beat each dungeon with plenty of time to spare while proceeding at a casual pace and slowing ourselves down by dying occasionally. I imagine it only becomes an issue once you're pushing higher keys or if you're wiping repeatedly. Also, I had often wondered how the hell people keep track of all these affixes and what's happening when, so I was relieved to see that there are actually some in-game indicators for that too.

We got some loot out of it as well, and earned credit for some more out of the Great Vault. I think that since we had a good time, we'll likely try this again some time, and maybe push ourselves a bit higher... though I'm very aware that there's a risk that being as casual as we are, we're likely to hit our comfort ceiling sooner rather than later. Still, it was a pleasant surprise that low-level Mythic Plus was this accessible at all as I always got the impression that it was a pretty "hardcore" game mode at all levels.


  1. Congrats on having fun!

    No, seriously, congrats on that. I think you unlocked the key aspect to running these instances: running with a group of friends. If you pug them, I suspect you'd better be prepared for disappointment and/or disillusionment. At least that's my experience with the new H+ on Wrath Classic on the larger Atiesh server versus the more laid back Myzrael server.

  2. My main complaint about Mythic+ is that the mindset seems to be prevalent in a series of folks running normals or heroics. I want to enjoy my easier dungeons, not try to beat some nonexistent timer. The other is that Mythic+ gearing messes up raid gearing. Blizzard still hasn't figured that one out yet.

    That said, I do support Mythic+ as it gives folks who love dungeons and small group activities something to focus on. For me, though, I'm more of a low key (sub 10s) person whenever I do Mythic+ and am more like to sign up for a group that has "learning" or "chill" in the description. People who are comfortable with mistakes are my cup of tea these days.

  3. Congrats on finding new enjoyment in the game!

    Mythic Plus is interesting as a mode and I think it's worth saying that it can take some time to really get into. It never really "clicked" for me until Shadowlands, and then it really clicked. Running with friends is the best way to get started since having active comms is a really nice way to run and it helps mitigate the difficulty increases that come as scaling pushes interruptible casts from nuisance to deadly!

    I do most of my Mythic Plus in PUGs, to be honest, and it's not a bad experience at all most of the time. I've done over 200 Dragonflight PUG keys at this point and less than 5 have even had unpleasant chatter, much less anything approaching social friction, and far more than 5 of those have been failed timers. The worst impact of M+ from my perspective aligns with Pallais' comment - that the approach to running a dungeon with timer pressure often carries into the non-timed modes and puts undue discomfort on people just trying to have fun who don't enjoy that pressure (or were opting into a mode that should be free of it!).

    High keys can get more stressful (my current record this season is a +19 and once you're near 600% added health and damage, it gets a lot more tight on difficulty!), but I think the design's gentle ramping helps you get there on your own time if it's a thing you want to do and honestly, I think it can be a lot of fun to get a group of friends together and just run a few keys a week while gradually pushing up the floor on what's possible with the group you have.

    Hopefully you'll share more if you continue your adventures, I'd be eager to read!

    1. Well, we did run some more mythics today and worked our way up to a +9 Court of Stars! It was an interesting experience in so far as my husband's demon hunter tank actually started to take some damage, something that pretty much never happens when we're out questing in the world or running easier group content. We had a few wipes on some trickier bosses that actually required us to get mechanics right for the first time 😂 but we did still complete everything within the timer...
