
Winning the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza in Retail

I don't know much about it since I've barely scratched the surface of that particular part of the game, but I get the impression that fishing has a lot more going on in The War Within than it did in Dragonflight. Specifically, I noticed that there's this new item called an Algari Weaverline, which you're supposed to spin into your fishing pole.

I got some of that and it made me realise that my evoker didn't actually own a fishing pole, since they stopped being a requirement to fish many years ago and I just hadn't come across one organically. So naturally, I opened up Wowhead to have a look at what good fishing poles are out there nowadays and how to acquire them. I was stunned to find that after almost twenty years, the Arcanite Fishing Pole that you get for winning the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza from Vanilla is still the best permanent fishing pole in the game. There are other options that are very close, but this one still beats them all. It even got a new model at some point. Amazing!

What was even funnier however was that it also looked like the most straightforward option to acquire on short notice, as all the other good poles were either RNG-dependent in some form or required a reputation I hadn't ground out on this particular character (and which isn't account-wide yet). I mean, yes, winning the fishing tournament is not trivial, but I'd done so several times in Classic, so it didn't seem that outlandish to think that I might be able to do the same in retail as well.

Somewhat amusingly, I actually struggled to find up-to-date information on how the tournament works in retail. The reason this was funny to me is that the first time I took part in the event in Classic, I confused myself due to having looked up a retail guide with information that didn't apply to the Classic version. Now it was the other way round.

Ultimately, I came up with the following list of differences compared to the Classic version:

  • In retail, the tournament is a world quest. This means you get a little pop-up and tracker on your UI when it starts, but other than that, I didn't see this change making much of a difference to the experience. It still doesn't auto-complete or anything; and you still need to hand in in Booty Bay to pick your prize.
  • As I'd observed previously, Tastyfish can be fished up all throughout Stranglethorn in retail, not just along the coast.
  • There are no longer dedicated pools of Tastyfish, but the regular pools just start giving primarily Tastyfish once the tournament starts (though you can still get those pesky Oily Blackmouths ruining your day sometimes).
  • It's no longer a server-wide competition, so you don't automatically win by playing on a low-pop server, but the first fifty people in the region (?) to hand in their forty Tastyfish all get a prize, regardless of what server they are on.

I was very curious how the latter in specific was going to pan out. Azjol-Nerub is considered a medium population server, but I decided to follow the advice to do my fishing in war mode to minimise competition anyway. (Also, I had to google how to turn on war mode because who thought the talent panel was the logical choice for that?!)

So I figured I shouldn't be facing too much competition for pools... but I also wasn't optimised in any way. My Classic fishing skill on my evoker was less than 100, even! And I'd read about all kinds of weird min-maxing to win the competition, such as that if you were after the account-bound heirloom ring reward, it would be best to use a Highmountain tauren druid since they can move between pools more quickly with instant flight form, and Highmountain tauren have a racial that lets them catch extra fish sometimes.

Either way, I was happy to wait and see. Min-maxers might be a threat, but the new expansion is also still pretty fresh, so I figured that might work out in my favour in the sense that there might be fewer people spending time chasing rewards from old content. I changed my hearthstone to Booty Bay, parked myself in my usual spot in northern Stranglethorn and set my phone alarm to remind me just before the competition was supposed to start.

When the time came, I was kind of surprised by how not nervous I was, considering the way the Classic version of the tournament had got my heart racing at times. The war mode gamble was definitely paying off as I didn't encounter a single soul while fishing and had all the pools to myself.

Just as I was starting to wonder when the first winner would be announced, considering that in Classic the contest tended to end after 15-20 minutes and that the cast bar for fishing is shorter in retail, the yell to announce the first winner went out, only ten minutes in. I kept calm and carried on, reminding myself that there were 49 more prizes to be won.

After another three minutes or so came a yell that Riggle Bassbait had given out about half of his prizes and to hurry up, but fortunately I was close to done myself by that point. Once I grabbed my 40th fish, I quickly hearthstoned to Booty Bay and handed in - and clearly not a second too soon, as two Horde druids did the same right after me, which then triggered a spam of "that's it, we're done" style yells from the quest giver.

I could hardly believe that it had been that easy! Of course, now I needed about another 200 fishing skill points to actually be able to use my new pole. I figured I'd fly around and fish up a few more Tastyfish for consolation prize money, but oddly all my casts came up empty now. A bit of googling revealed that this is a bug that has seemingly been around forever - that you can't actually get any more Tastyfish like you're supposed to after the competition is over. However, the same forum threads also noted that you'd still get skill-ups for your "empty" catches and that you still had a chance to catch one of the rare fish, so I kept it at for a little while until I ended up picking up a Dezian Queenfish which I was able to hand in for another buff to my fishing.

Now to work on those remaining 100 or so skill points...

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