
Hanging With the Freshers on Zandalar Tribe

There is an actual guild called "Freshers" on Zandalar Tribe, so just to be clear on that right away, this post isn't about them. I merely use the term in a general way to refer to players looking for a fresh server experience.

I wrote about the community-driven "fresh Vanilla server" initiative about a month ago, and I noted at the time that this project wasn't really for me, for a number of reasons. Those reasons still apply, however... I'm also a very curious person, and I kind of wanted to know more about how things were going over there, especially after I saw lots of people talking about the US version of the project on the Deviate Delight server, both positively (it's oh so busy, there are so many players here) and negatively (it's all streamers and their fan clubs and there's drama everywhere), yet at the same time heard nary a peep about the goings-on on the European equivalent Zandalar Tribe. Are there no European content creators supporting the project? I mean, WillE gave it a shout-out in one of his video only the other week! What was going on there?

Plus, taking a new alt through the first twenty levels of the Vanilla world is always good fun, even if I'm somewhat creatively bankrupt at this point and keep recreating my night elf hunter from 2019 Classic everywhere.

Anyway, I kept levelling my way through Teldrassil in very short play sessions initially, and it was pretty quiet there. I did all the quests, even the ones that require a lot of running back and forth, and moved on to Darkshore by level 12 or 13, by which point I'd run into what must've been less than a dozen other characters. However, things started to pick up a bit once I made it to Auberdine, and I figured human lands were going to be even busier.

I had my first grouping experience while doing the mushroom quest in Cliffspring Hallow. I spotted a human warrior the moment I entered and worried whether we were going to compete for spawns, so I immediately turned into a direction away from him. Soon afterwards I saw him trying to take a shortcut by jumping down a ledge instead of clearing a proper path, at which point he quickly got swarmed by naga and died (there were some mobs and distance between us, so it's not like I could've come to his assistance). After he revived we found ourselves fighting next to each other for a bit, and eventually grouped up to kill the rare naga as well as to maybe get the quest starter that can drop from the Twilight guys, though we had no luck with that. At least the rare dropped a mail chest for him. We parted ways again after exiting the cave and it felt very friendly.

I continued questing in Darkshore until level 16 or so, at which point I thought it might be a good time to move to Westfall to get ready for the Deadmines. I had another nice grouping experience when I teamed up with a gnome mage to do the Defias traitor escort. After I had gathered up all the dungeon quests, I continued questing, picking flowers and fishing in the zone while keeping an eye out for potential groups. Once someone whispered me to ask whether I'd like to join their DM group, but at the time I was only logged on briefly and didn't have enough time for a dungeon run. Overall it took several days and me being level 19 to actually find a party, which kind of surprised me. I think I'm relatively patient when it comes to manual group finding so I didn't mind too much, but for what's supposed to be a "fresh" server where the low levels are popping, LFG seemed really quiet and like people were mostly looking for mid to high level dungeon groups already.

The DM run itself was fine - people weren't super chatty, but everyone was nice enough and we had no issues. I whispered the priest to thank them for also healing my pet and they replied that they'd just finished levelling a hunter to 60 so they understood what it was like.

Ultimately I came away from the whole experience kind of wondering what the point was. I had a nice enough time, but in terms of population levels, I think I could've had pretty much the exact same experience on the main era PvE cluster or on hardcore. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if those were actually a bit busier than this was.

I guess Zandalar Tribe could aim to fill the niche of "PvP server that isn't as busy as Firemaw", which is something I thought could be viable ever since Classic era blew up at the start of last year and I spent some time puttering around on the empty second PvP cluster. However, as a "fresh" experience, catering to the kinds of players who want to see everyone starting together and huge crowds in the levelling zones, it doesn't really seem to be fitting the bill right now. I guess things could always change if a large content creator ends up giving it additional publicity, but right now - as much as I'm all in favour of more era servers getting love in some form or another - it doesn't strike me as a huge success for its intended purpose.


  1. I'm glad you ran this experiment. It seems it might not be the revelatory experience some might expect, judging by your stint here. I also heard there was some confusion over on Deviate Delight, but that might just have had to do with some backlash as regards to the rules (why rules anyway?).

    I have also been curious about these "fresh servers", assuming they might stoke some new life into Era. As I've talked to you about earlier, though, the "normal" server(s) feels pretty good at low-mid levels already. At least on Horde side, I get the sense that activity is fairly high, and while it's not densely populated by any means, it never felt too empty to me. It might be more active on Alliance side, however, since I've gathered that the population split is rather uneven in their favor.

    1. The population on era ebbs and flows, but even when it's on the lower end right now, it's still far more popular than it was immediately after the split. People know it exists now and that it's a viable place to go.

      And yeah, Alliance has about twice as many players on the PvE cluster based on census scans, but the number of 40-man raiding guilds/groups was actually similar on both sides last I checked; Allies just have a lot more going on outside of raiding it seems.

  2. It feels like these 'fresh' experiences really need an outside push to get closer to the sustained (or launch day) crowd to make the event viable across all levels. Without Blizzard doing a new type of server or streamers flogging the event the amount of people starting over on a new server sounds like it is pretty small.

    That said, like the Hardcore trend, I wonder if Blizzard will set up 'fresh start' servers on, say, an annual basis? They could state that the server will exist for x amount of time and then everyone gets rolled to a destination server. Sort of how EQ does with progression servers eventually.

    1. I think more frequent new servers is something they've definitely heard people request, but I'm guessing the challenge is that unlike with EQ where progression mostly consists of content unlocks, WoW has very different gameplay in different versions of the game, with classes and systems functioning in completely different ways sometimes, which I'm guessing poses some challenges in terms of moving characters between different versions. We still don't know what will happen to SoD characters at the end of SoD for example...
