
Pre-Expansion Doldrums

The War Within is less than a month away and I'm not at all hyped yet. If anything, it's kind of the opposite and I'm feeling rather down on the whole prospect of the expansion right now. I'm mostly just logging into Remix to finish up my last few goals for that mode but otherwise Classic has been a lot more fun recently than retail.

All my reservations about what we've seen of War Within so far are still in play, but more specifically, I'm looking at the expansion looming in the distance and I just don't know what I'm going to do with it, as in: what class I'm going to play. I miss having an undisputed main. I had one from Burning Crusade through Cata, but ever since I returned to retail properly at the end of BfA it's all felt a bit fuzzy. My monk was my main throughout Shadowlands, but with how little time it takes to level a character in retail nowadays and how little you actually see of the world during your adventures, I'm finding it hard to get as invested in new characters as I used to.

Changing to evoker in Dragonflight came kind of organically, and I only realised in hindsight how lucky I was in that regard, as I both liked the class's gameplay and it slotted into the expansion story really well. Like demon hunters in Legion, evokers were designed to transition straight from their starting area into the story of Dragonflight, and everything actually made sense.

But now we've got this new, supposedly story-heavy expansion looming, which is all about characters from older expansions that none of my own characters have any connection to and I can't quite wrap my head around it. It's funny because I don't think I was that fussed about the story in retail, but the thought of going into an expansion to do tasks for NPCs that my characters have technically never met in game while treating them as if they were old friends really puts me off.

When I logged in yesterday, I was surprised to be greeted by a new cinematic that Wowhead called "Previously in World of Warcraft", though I'm not sure if that's supposed to be the official name. Either way it tries to summarise the most important events from the last four expansions that are relevant to War Within over the course of three and a half minutes - something that I think is actually a really good idea, but at the same time also puts a spotlight on the problem I mentioned above, seeing how the video name-drops no fewer than eleven different characters throughout its runtime, while showing and featuring even more. If you weren't around for the introduction of those characters and/or aren't too well-versed in WoW lore in general, I'm not sure a bunch of disconnected one-liners about how "x did so-and-so" are really going to make things that much clearer for you.

I just really feel like I'm missing an in-game "hook" for War Within so far. A few days ago, the official WoW YouTube channel also dropped a second cinematic for War Within, and I was surprised to see that it currently has more dislikes than likes. I thought it looked very good visually, but after reading some of the comments it became clear to me that this is a sign of the expansion struggling to pull people other than me in as well. A lot of commenters noted that "it doesn't look like WoW", which I don't really agree with, but it certainly lacks a clear hook for you as the player. There are some cool characters and locations on display, sure, but what do any of them have to do with me? The only reason I know anything about who/what any of them are is because of watching content creators talk about beta content - the trailer itself certainly doesn't make it very clear. As it stands, I worry a bit that Blizzard's ambitious new story plans may be built on a foundation of sand.

(I've seen some comments about the new trailer being a throwback to the original WoW trailer, which didn't have an overarching narrative either, but I think that is missing something important: the original WoW trailer had narration setting the scene and showed you different roles you could play in that setting. The new War Within trailer has neither of those.)

Finally, the cherry on top of my cake of expansion uncertainty recently came while doing M+ with my guildies. A couple of them have been really hyped about WoW and the expansion recently, which you know... good for them, but my ears perked up when conversation about "what I personally want to do in the expansion" turned into "how we're all going to do M+ in the expansion". I've had a decent enough time getting to know the M+ system in Dragonflight, but the idea that this was supposed to automatically have locked me in for the entirety of the next expansion as well and that class choices should be made based on potential M+ comp set off massive alarms in my head, because it's something I hadn't even thought about. I tried to express this to the group but we were so far apart in terms of expectations that I think people didn't quite get what I was saying. (Me saying that I wasn't sure I even wanted to do M+ at the start of the new expansion somehow got turned into "of course we're not going to do it immediately, we've got to gear up and unlock it first").

All I know is that thanks to Remix, I'll be going into the War Within with close to a dozen level 70s, none of whom feel like a great fit for this new storyline as they have barely interacted with the relevant NPCs - if at all - and a burden of expectations from guildies who seem to picture us running M+ every weekend in the expansion with no consideration for how much a WoW expansion can change things... both in terms of gameplay as well as in terms of people's enjoyment of the game. I once again remember Kordac, the holy priest who was an absolute pillar of our raid team in Burning Crusade and quit the game a few weeks into WotLK because he hated the levelling. Never underestimate how dramatically a WoW expansion can change everything for people.


  1. That's a very weird cinematic. As someone who couldn't name three important NPCs from Azeroth, I can confirm it tells me absolutely nothing about the expansion - except that it's down a hole in the ground. I guess that's the most important part.

  2. From my comment to Rohan on Blessing of Kings, "To me, the original Wow and BC cinematics were about showing characters easily associated with players being involved with the world. They invited you into the game to play. They sparked interest and imagination.

    The characters we saw in TWW cinematic were NPC introductions. Those need to start giving reasons why I should care about them. WIthout that they are just random images of unknown characters that I have no idea if I should care about or will be needing to defeat".

    Assuming my guild actually raids in TWW, I'll likely pick a character I haven't healed with yet. That will make some of the raiding fresh, but if we don't raid I'll just switch back to my long term primary characters and do the content on a casual basis.

    As far as the story goes, I'm going to be 'wait and see'. Story isn't Blizzard's strong point, so if they stuff it up I wouldn't be surprised. I also wouldn't be surprised if they mess things up by knowing where the story will ultimately end up, but not making the beginning and middle actually make sense.

    I want to chuckle about Mythic+ sinking it hooks into some people. They get all enthused to the point that they don't understand if others aren't interested in pursing higher Mythic+ numbers. Kind of the zeal of the Mythic+ converted. ;)

    On a tangent, from a mechanical perspective, the changes they are making to have the pre-patch event work better and provide more rewards is to their credit. This is the type of player-focused attention that is cool to see from Blizzard. So I have hope that the leveling experience will be solid and enjoyable. That any rough edges will get quickly smoothed out, especially since some of us will be the early access live beta testers. ^_^

    1. Re: the trailer, I also thought it was interesting to compare it to Dragonflight's Take to the Skies" cinematic. That got a fair amount of flak at the time as well for not being "hype" enough, but in my opinion it did a really good job at introducing a lot of key gameplay points:
      - The Horde and Alliance are rivals now instead of outright enemies
      - Dragonriding is fun
      - You can now be an evoker and do fancy dragon magic
      - Watch out for the evil lightning dragon
      - There is joy in seeing dragon aspects just be cool
      The contrast to how little we really learn from the TWW trailer is quite striking.

      I'm also not condeming the new story just yet, but it doesn't make me hopeful that their idea of introducing us to it is to have a disconnected list of all the NPCs that are going to be involved... without any kind of story explanation for why these characters in particular are going to be important in the fight against Xala'tath.

    2. I hadn't analyzed the cinematic, but I do agree with all of your points.

      I don't remember my first reaction to the 'Take to the Skies' cinematic (other than the the lady reminding me strongly of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn because of her tattoos and clothing). The cinematic has really grown on me, though. It's fun in a way that Wow hadn't been for years. I'll rewatch it where I'll often skip other cinematics from Blizzard if I run across them.

      The Dragonflight cinematic itself was great. It felt like such a nice example of 'showing, not telling' of a story. Alexstrasza's voice-over bookended the cinematic and gave perspective, but the centerpiece with Watcher Koranos was the heart of such a well done bit of story. To me it showed how Blizzard could tell a strong story without all the problematic cliches they tend to wallow in.

      Now with Metzen back and/or them going back to the 'big bad world ending threat' cliches Wow feels more like they are taking several steps backwards to being more cringe with their stories. I'll give them a chance, but I'll trying to set my expectations pretty low as to avoid disappointment, from the story viewpoint at least.

  3. Speaking personally, your comments about not being sure about the stuff you want to do or why did get through to me. I absolutely loathe how M+ functions in terms of it locking players into using one character and role, and even with it being more "casual-friendly" following the changes it still has a long way to go before it's just "going and doing heroic dungeons" level of fun. It's one of the reasons I made sure my new mage and remix-DH were both Alliance so that they could queue for actual fun group stuff.

    Yet that's WoW in a nutshell. Heroic dungeons were very much left behind in the grand scheme of things before 10.2 rebalanced them, and even M0 were just there. There was never any real 'viability' to them courtesy of the "push-push-push!" mentality that plagues the game. Heroic being in the vault is a great move, but since I don't do dungeons outside of guild groups I have no idea how effective that move is.

    I can definitely understand why people fall into the trap of focusing so much on them when the game itself does little to disguise how much of the endgame is geared around them. That said, I have to say that I'm also in no real rush to get through to that type of content when there's things I'm more interested in seeing like delves. Having a means to actually give my alt characters (hopefully) meaningful stuff to do so they can keep their own gear-ratings up so I'm not doing as I have been doing this past day and basically doing one big "gear-reset" for my long-neglected evoker. That's the content I'm most looking forward to, as I know I have too many characters I enjoy playing to be comfortable with shelving them, and this gives me an outlet I hope I'll come away enjoying to use them in.

    Time shall tell.

  4. I'm quite out of the loop when it comes to retail WoW, but that "previously on" video was worth a watch. It kind of explains the story, I guess, and what's been going on lately. Even if it's mostly name-dropping, like you write. But the connection to it all feels missing; it's a very dry summary, I think.
