
Anniversary Success

After the bad pug story from a few days ago, today I have a tale of a good one! From retail even...?!

However, first things first: The big event for WoW's 20th anniversary finally came to an end this week. I wrote about what I thought of all the different activities involved back in early November, including the fact that currency payouts were initially very restricted. Once the devs fixed that, I kept collecting celebration tokens for about a month until I'd gotten everything I wanted, and then I kind of lost interest.

That was until someone reminded me at the end of my Christmas holidays that the event was almost over, and I decided that I'd probably like to still polish off the remaining achievements that I hadn't completed yet. These basically fell into two categories: Secrets of Azeroth and the BRD raid.

With the Secrets stuff, I'd done a few of the Guest Relations quests but stopped at some point because I'd found them too tedious to figure out. This time around I just looked up some guides and powered through everything that was left with instructions up on my second monitor. So many of these puzzles were just way too fiddly and obscure. Ticking all the boxes still took some time (the story quest about the feast recipe for the pirates was absolutely diabolical, especially if you didn't want to just buy all the ingredients off the AH) but I got there over the course of one day, finishing off my hunt for crates in the early hours of New Year's Day.

The issue with the raid was that I had done it multiple times on LFR, but the two achievements for it required you to go into areas where a raid finder group usually wouldn't go, so I figured my only chance to get them done was to join a normal mode pug. Even though I hadn't set foot into anything beyond LFR since mid-Cataclysm (not counting the craziness of Pandaria Remix), I strangely enough wasn't too worried about that, as I'd repeatedly heard from credible sources that normal mode raids these days aren't really much harder than LFR. I invited my husband into a party on New Year's Day and suggested that we look to join a BRD normal raid together.

We only had one problem: there wasn't a single listing for BRD that evening, just Nerub-ar Palace runs as far as the eye could see. So I decided to be brave and simply create my own raid. I named it "BRD normal full run" and set the description to: "Let's get those achievements!"

You might think this foolish, considering that I didn't really know what I was doing, but I had faith that at least a couple of people willing to join our pug would know what to do and would speak up if we went grievously wrong. And... it worked out alright! After accepting absolutely everyone that applied over the next fifteen minutes or so, I realised that we were still a tank short, so I relogged from my evoker to my own prot warrior because I'm a glutton for punishment I guess I also had faith that the other tank would know what to do. First thing I did on zoning in was to hand them raid assist and they did seem to take charge quite happily, so all I had to do was help with rounding up adds, soak damage and taunt swap where appropriate.

We did have a couple of wipes, and one guy left after the first three bosses, but overall we progressed at a good clip, and my description had clearly attracted the right kind of people as at least half the raid piped up about missing the exact same parts of the achievements that we also needed and everyone gently herded each other towards them when we got to the right area.

It was also quite apparent that at least a few of our dps were even more clueless than I was (I'd at least watched a brief guide!), which usually became evident when someone was targeted by a soaking mechanic and ran for the hills to die alone in a corner instead of stacking up to survive. However, we were generally able to power through those losses just like you would in LFR, and the couple of times when things got too crazy and we wiped, someone did indeed speak up to inform us about just what had gone wrong, and people listened and did better next time. Everyone was friendly enough, and when we finished it was all "gg"s and thank yous.

I won't lie, I felt kind of proud that my first normal raid, my first pug raid, and my first raid organised by me - all rolled into one - went so well. Sometimes someone being willing to start the group is really all it takes.


  1. Congratulations on the normal raid. :) It's cool when things like that work out so well.

    I was able to do the achievements in LFR, but a couple of times I just waited until everyone had left and ran to where I needed to be to activate the clicky.

    As far as the Secrets stuff, I just used a guide. So much of those things feel like they are developed to stump the Secret Finding discord that I know I'll never have the proper insights to figure things out. One person just isn't going to think like the devs all the time versus a group that can and will brute-force the solutions. (I was in that discord when folks were figuring out how to get Uuna. That was a strong reminder to just use the guides. ^_^)

    Luckily when I went for the Felcycle mount a friend gave me a tip as to what Covenant from Shadowlands you wanted your character to have. I would have gone most of the way through the chain and gotten stuck as I would have started it with a different character. :sigh: Ah well, the solving isn't for me, but at least I can follow along afterwards.

    1. Oh, I didn't even look at the felcycle - everyone said it was crazy time-consuming, and I don't even like bike mounts anyway. 😋

    2. The time sink isn't too bad. Other than a couple of stages it was mostly travel time, but not to the level of some of the Classic cross-continent quests. (Score one for all the quick travel options in Retail.)

      I mainly wanted to get the cycle because I'm a casual mount collector. I've dropped off collecting the last couple of expansions, but I'll still get them if they aren't too onerous.

    3. Well, you mention stuff like needing to have a covenant, and I saw someone else say you needed to have done WoD content up to a certain point to access another step, and that the whole chain is per-character and not account-wide. I think I have one character that has done both of those expansions, but if anything else is required, I'd still be stuck. As someone who hasn't been playing the same character for years, I'd have to spend a lot of time on just re-running old expansion content from the sounds of it.

    4. I don't remember needing anything WoD specific, but then I generally have the garrison open on my characters as that's a handy piece of pseudo-housing, plus another quick-travel option. I mostly remember Legion and Pandaria stuff.

      Re-reading some of the guide I used, it does look like if someone nearby has the item you need that can unlock things for you. If EU and US players could group up I'd help you out with the needed stuff. :sigh:

  2. Congrats! It's no small feat to organize and lead a raid, especially when you're pugging it.
