I'm celebrating WoW's 20th anniversary by looking back at my own early experiences with the game 18 years ago, as documented on a personal blog that I was keeping just for myself and some friends at the time.
The following was originally posted on January 16th, 2007 under the title "Burning Crusade!":
So today was WoW expansion day! We saw the first Blood Elves being made
at midnight1, but that was about the most exciting thing that happened
then. (Though we were all surprised that the servers didn't collapse
right away.) I had preordered my own copy of Burning Crusade from Amazon
but didn't expect it to arrive on release day, so I was pleasantly
surprised when I found a parcel in the hall when I came home from uni
this afternoon.
Installing it was quite annoying though. The
installer froze up every time it reached the point where I was supposed
to insert the second CD, but fortunately for me plenty of other people
had the same problem and there was a thread on the support forum telling
people that copying the CD contents and installing from the hard disk
would circumvent the problem. Of course I had to reinstall two patches
after that while my internet connection was extremely erratic and kept
cutting off every other minute, so...2
Don't really have that much to say about the new content yet. I
didn't much fancy questing in Outland alone, though I did eventually go
through the Dark Portal after a friend kept linking me to some of the
new items. I hadn't quite believed Mecha
when he predicted that there'd be greens in Outland better than the old
epic stuff, but it looks like he was right. I couldn't quite believe my
eyes when I saw the green wand you get as reward for one of the first
quests I accepted...3
Also, Draenei > Blood Elves. From what I
had seen of them on screenshots and such I thought that they were both
nice-looking races but I didn't have any strong feelings about either.
After fiddling around with the character editor for a bit however I
really fell in love with the Draenei and their strangely twisted spines
and legs (even if they walk funny) while the Blood Elves only struck me
as pretty but bland.
I couldn't resist making a little Draenei
mage of my own4, even if I don't know what I'm going to do with her and
only got her to level six so far. The starting area was just so flooded
with people fighting over quest mobs and spamming the chat that I
couldn't stand it for long.5 Will see how long it takes for that to cool
1 By that I meant that I was questing in Ashenvale on my tauren hunter and opening the /who window around midnight, constantly refreshing a "/who blood elf" query (or something like that) and watching the first results appear.
2 Ah, the good old days of installing MMO expansions from physical media. Can't say I really miss that part.
3 I think that would've been the Desolation Rod. Doesn't look that impressive now with retail stats, but back then it probably had two or three times the number of whatever blue I'd last gotten in a Vanilla dungeon, so it seemed absolutely jaw-droppingly powerful.
4 That's this one!
5 This was actually kind of comforting to read because it shows that my disdain for the mega-server crowds that have come to dominate Classic is not just me being a grumpy old lady shaking her fist at the kids these days, but something that does go way back.
This seems like a good point to end this series for now, with the launch of the first expansion and the anniversary event in WoW also just having ended. This wasn't the last entry about WoW on my old personal blog, but they did become more irregular over time and also... changed a bit in nature I guess? A lot of posts were just random screenshots, and aside from marking some milestones that I was particularly proud of (such as when my guild cleared Gruul's Lair for the first time or when I got my first talbuk mount), they became more about my relationships with the people I was playing with than the game itself, and I'm not actually sure that would make for great material for this blog.
Not that I never talk about the people I play with nowadays, but a lot of those old posts definitely seem like "you had to be there" material on re-reading, such as when I talked about our GM tanking heroics for us late at night while drunk, or about how I met a shadow priest from another guild in real life and laughed at him while he threw up on the street. I might re-evaluate that at some point in the future, maybe when the Burning Crusade turns twenty or something. In the meantime, thanks for joining me on this trip down memory lane; I hope you found at least some of it interesting!
"Also, Draenei > Blood Elves". Ah, music to warm the heart and soul. But then I have a bias towards Draenei. :D