
Siren Isle Is a Bit Boring

I'm a bit behind in terms of talking about what's new in retail, partially because I wanted to prioritise wrapping up my end-of-year summaries and my WoW Memories series, partially because what's been going on hasn't been terribly interesting to be honest.

War Within's patch 11.0.7 came out a month ago now; the husband and I didn't bother to even visit the new place that came with it until about two weeks later, and we were basically kind of bored with it after a single afternoon of playing there. I feel a bit bad saying this because I do appreciate the way Blizzard have been trying to give us these smaller content patches with world content between the larger ones since Dragonflight, and someone clearly tried to make the best of it by coming up with all these toys and gadgets that you get to play around with on the island but it just wasn't compelling to me at all.

The most obvious comparison that comes to mind is with the Forbidden Reach, which was 10.0.7's "patch island", but still managed to have quite a bit more going on. Most importantly for me, it was an actual part of the Dragon Isles that was connected to the expansion both in terms of lore and land mass - you could fly there straight from the Waking Shores without a loading screen. Comparatively, Siren Isle is tiny and nobody really knows where it is, as you get there by talking to a goblin on a zeppelin and bam, one short loading screen later you've arrived.

Shindragosa the dracthyr and Magins the void elf mage ride across brown rocky ground on Siren Isle

You can't fly on Siren Isle, and to be honest it wouldn't make sense to do so because you'd barely be able to lift off without already overshooting it. (Edit: I just read that we'll unlock it in another two weeks, but to be honest that still feels a bit pointless.) It's a tiny, barren piece of rock without any gathering nodes and barely even any plants and animals. I read somewhere that it was actually created from an Island Expedition map built during BfA that the devs didn't end up using back then. That certainly explains why it feels so disconnected from the rest of Khaz Algar and has dead Kul Tirans on it.

When we first arrived it actually seemed crazy busy because there were constant NPC shouts all around us, but we quickly learned that the three rotating mini bosses just come with a lot of noise attached. Beyond that there are just some weeklies that basically ask you to run around the isle and kill everything in sight for twenty minutes. Woo.

Like I said, I actually feel a bit bad about being so "ungrateful" for this new content, but it's just kind of underwhelming for what it is. I guess I appreciate that the new ring with unique gems (a feature that I didn't love in the Forbidden Reach either and could've done without) at least doesn't come with quite the same level of inventory clutter as the last one.


  1. I still haven't gone there at all. I just don't give a toss about this ring - my characters' current gear has always worked well enough for them for whatever I've taken them to, and that's all that matters to me.

  2. I'm another who hasn't gone there. I should, but there's just not enough pull for me to go. All the 20th anniversary stuff pulled me in and now I'm somewhat over-saturated with Wow.
