Comparing the previous post and this one, I spent about two to three times as many hours in retail in 2024 than I spent in Classic. The uncertainty in the numbers mostly comes from the fact that I revived a lot of old characters this year for which I don't know how much of their /played actually happened in 2024 vs. ye olde days, but either way, the difference is pretty stark.
I just really enjoyed both the end of Dragonflight and the first few months of War Within. Aside from running dungeons with my guildies once a week, my play style tends to be somewhat on and off - I'll go through several weeks of binging quite hard and doing something or other on every single alt, to barely logging in outside of our scheduled dungeon runs for the next few weeks after. I know a lot of Classic players tend to think of retail as having lots of daily/weekly chores you "have" to do, but from my personal experience at least that's an image that's about two expansions out of date. Sure, there are lots of things you can do, especially as a more casual player, but I've found most of it to be very low pressure nowadays.
The two events that had the biggest impact on my stable of characters this year were MoP Remix, which resulted in me levelling five new characters to the level cap from scratch, and the introduction of Warbands with the War Within pre-patch, which suddenly gave long-forgotten characters relevance again now that cross-server and -faction play is almost fully supported and they all share an inventory via the warband bank.
Basically, aside from Shinfur the monk, all characters on this list that aren't on the Azjol-Nerub/Quel'Thalas server cluster were old favourites that got a revival this year.
Shindragosa - Azjol-Nerub
- Level 80 dracthyr evoker (+10)
- 24 days, 13 hours /played (+9 days, 18 hours)
- War Within professions: 83 Leatherworking, 100 Skinning, 73 Cooking, 144 Fishing
- Other professions (changed from 2023 only): Dragon Isles Leatherworking 100 (+10), 129 Classic Skinning (+129), 61 Outland Skinning (+61), 75 Northrend Skinning (+19), 23 Cataclysm Skinning (+3), 85 Legion Skinning (+4), 30 Kul Tiran Skinning (+23), 30 Draenor Cooking (+15), 300 Classic Fishing (+267, had to level that for the fishing pole, lol), 10 Cataclysm Fishing (+5), 30 Kul Tiran Fishing (+15), 855 Archaeology (+756, I randomly decided to max it out one day but gave up because of how terrible the last 50 skill-ups are)
My preservation evoker remained my main throughout Dragonflight. With War Within, I had a feeling early on that I'd probably want to change roles in group content but I wasn't entirely sure yet, so because making decisions is hard, I still ended up levelling this character through Khaz Algar first and did all the story content on her. When there isn't new story to check out though, she's mostly chilling now.
Milita - Quel'Thalas
- Level 80 draenei warrior
- 4 days, 17 hours /played
- War Within professions: 83 Blacksmithing, 100 Mining, 36 Cooking, 48 Fishing
- Other professions: 300 Classic Blacksmithing, 295 Classic Mining, 13 Cataclysm Mining
The warrior I levelled during Remix ultimately ended up becoming my new "dungeon main" as I became the tank for our little group of friends doing M+ once a week. It's been... surprisingly chill? I mean, I only play with friends, not pugs, and we only do pretty low keys - I'm sure things become more demanding in high keys, but as it is, I'm finding it to be surprisingly low-stress. I learned to tank during Burning Crusade, where threat was a bitch and losing aggro on a single mob in a heroic could result in a dps or the healer getting insta-gibbed, so just pulling and AoEing things at a good clip while also rotating through my defensives doesn't feel very demanding in comparison.
Tilarea - AN
- Level 80 lightforged draenei priest (+10)
- 8 days, 9 hours /played (+2 days, 23 hours)
- War Within professions: 65 Tailoring, 61 Enchanting, 21 Cooking, 33 Fishing
- Other professions (changed from 2023 only): 300 Classic Tailoring (+200), 31 Northrend Tailoring (+26), 45 Cataclysm Tailoring (+43), 74 Dragon Isles Tailoring (+10), 15 Cataclysm Enchanting (+4), 21 Pandaria Enchanting (+1), 74 Dragon Isles Enchanting (+10), 39 Dragon Isles Cooking (+23), 59 Dragon Isles Fishing (+22)
My hobby priest continues to be just that: not my main and not really played a lot in group content, but I just like having a holy priest to do stuff on.
Hekatie - Earthen Ring
- Level 80 undead death knight
- 11 days, 23 hours /played
- War Within professions: 100 Herbalism, 71 Inscription, 31 Cooking, 42 Fishing
- Other professions: 300 Classic Herbalism, 75 Outland Herbalism, 75 Northrend Herbalism, 75 Cataclysm Herbalism, 300 Classic Inscription, 75 Outland Inscription, 75 Northrend Inscription, 75 Cataclysm Inscription, 300 Classic Cooking, 75 Outland Cooking, 75 Northrend Cooking, 75 Cataclysm Cooking, 300 Classic Fishing, 75 Outland Fishing, 75 Northrend Fishing, 75 Cataclysm Fishing, 180 Archaeology
This was one of the old characters I revived after the Warband patch and levelled to 70 via the Radiant Echoes event (you can kind of tell her age based on her having all profession skills up to Cataclysm maxed out). I wasn't actually that keen on death knights when they first came out (the first three posts about them on this blog were all about how death knights suck, lol) but I did eventually manage to get this one levelled up by the end of Wrath and then continued to have some fun playing her in Cata. In TWW so far, frost death knight has been pretty fun to play too - I wrote more about that here.
Tharisa - AN
- Level 80 human hunter (+10)
- 4 days, 15 hours /played (+1 day, 21 hours)
- War Within professions: 56 Leatherworking, 100 Skinning, 26 Cooking, 33 Fishing
- Other professions (changed from 2023 only): 140 Classic Leatherworking (+21), 42 Dragon Isles Leatherworking (+24), 6 Outland Skinning (+6), 75 Northrend Skinning (+5), 49 Legion Skinning (+16), 175 Classic Cooking (+46), 32 Dragon Isles Cooking (+18), 76 Classic Fishing (+76), 45 Northrend Fishing (+45), 46 Dragon Isles Fishing (+23)
I allowed my hunter to grow her hair out this year, but that's about as exciting as things got. I wrote more about my ambivalent relationship with retail hunters in this post. I'm also a bit worried about what the new year will bring as Blizzard is currently looking to take marksmanship hunters' pets away in 11.1, which is so utterly insane I don't even know how anyone could've thought that would be a good idea. There's still time to change course, Blizz!
Berrine - QT
- Level 80 night elf druid
- 1 day, 11 hours /played
- War Within professions: 100 Herbalism, 100 Skinning, 16 Fishing
- Other professions: 15 Classic Skinning
It's the druid I levelled in Remix. As mentioned in this post, she's kind of "my other tank" and I haven't done much with her other than level up her gathering skills and casually gear up a bit.
Helena - Darkspear
- Level 80 dwarf paladin
- 3 days, 14 hours /played
- War Within professions: 100 Mining, 100 Skinning, 4 Cooking, 9 Fishing
- Other professions: 300 Classic Mining, 55 Outland Mining, 3 Northrend Mining, 300 Classic Skinning, 74 Outland Skinning (I should really go get that last skill point), 12 Northrend Skinning, 300 Classic Cooking, 75 Outland Cooking, 135 Classic Fishing, 50 Archaeology
This is another old alt that got revived. I created her way back in the day, just to stall out at level 15. I then revived her in Cataclysm to explore some of the revamped levelling zones. Her professions seem to indicate that I did also spend some time in early BC content, but I've got to admit that I have absolutely no memory of that. This year, I levelled her to 70 via Radiant Echoes, and I wrote about what it was like to level from 70-80 as holy in this post.
Shinfur - ER
- Level 80 pandaren monk
- 1 day, 4 hours /played
- War Within professions: 100 Mining, 83 Engineering, 6 Cooking, 4 Fishing
- Other professions: 6 Classic Cooking
It's the monk I levelled in Remix! You can read more about my monk experiences in War Within here. Not much else to say about this one, other than that thanks to the inventing mechanic, engineering is by far the easiest crafting profession to level for some reason.
Groghue - AN
- Level 80 worgen rogue (+10)
- 2 day, 22 hours /played (+1 day, 4 hours)
- War Within professions: 87 Herbalism, 70 Skinning
- Other professions (changed from 2023 only): 267 Classic Herbalism (+8), 100 Dragon Isles Herbalism (+13), 184 Classic Skinning (+9), 43 Northrend Skinning, 33 Cataclysm Skinning (+10), 19 Dragon Isles Cooking (+15), 60 Dragon Isles Fishing (+25), 116 Archaeology (+9)
It's my rogue who I still don't particularly enjoy playing but hey, I need her to be able to open lockboxes. More about my experiences with rogueing in War Within can be found here.
Willowie - QT
- Level 74 human warlock
- 13 hours /played
- War Within professions: 48 Alchemy, 62 Herbalism
- Other professions: none
It's the warlock I levelled in Remix! I had to relog to take this screenshot because for some reason on the first attempt, the game had forgotten that she owns an incubus and was displaying the succubus instead. Now it's showing the correct pet but I don't know what's up with his wing appearing to go behind the tree in the background?! Small indie company, as the saying goes.
I was also shocked by how many herbs alchemy uses these days. I thought I had a good number of them saved up, but then I was like: "You want me to burn how many of these for each skill-up?!" I also still have no idea how to play this one and have died to random mobs that I aggroed while picking flowers. Part of me keeps thinking that I should just bite the bullet and look up a guide, but another part remains stubborn and maintains that if a class is this clunky to figure out, maybe it deserves to be played less. Make this nonsense easier to understand in game, Blizzard.
Mehg - AN
- Level 72 night elf demon hunter (+2)
- 10 days, 21 hours /played (+17 hours)
- War Within professions: 30 Mining, 25 Jewelcrafting
- Other professions (changed from 2023 only): 27 Cataclysm Mining (+10), 74 Legion Jewelcrafting (I don't think this is new, I must have forgotten to write down her old JC skills last year), 100 Shadowlands Jewelcrafting, 79 Dragon Isles Jewelcrafting (+10), 83 Dragon Isles Cooking (+15), 75 Dragon Isles Fishing (+23)
My demon hunter, who was my "main alt" in Shadowlands and remained one of my most played characters throughout early Dragonflight just quietly fell by the wayside towards the end of the expansion and I've only barely started levelling her in War Within. I'm not entirely sure why, though I think at least part of it was due to how much of a pain it was to sort out her inventory and the bazillion types of different ores and gems she'd accumulated over time. Once I also accidentally clicked the "clean up my bank" button and there are few things I've done in a game that I regretted as much as that one button click. I should be in a better place now though.
Shimeri - AN
- Level 70 dwarf shaman
- 4 days, 8 hours /played
- Professions: none
The shaman that was my "Remix main" has oddly ended up being the last of my Remix characters to get levelled in War Within, even though resto shaman is the healer flavour of the month right now. I'll get to it when I get to it.
Daerys - DS
- Level 70 draenei mage
- 30 days, 9 hours /played
- Professions: 300 Classic Mining, 75 Outland Mining, 75 Northrend Mining, 75 Cataclysm Mining, 305 Classic Jewelcrafting, 80 Outland Jewelcrafting, 70 Northrend Jewelcrafting, 32 Cataclysm Jewelcrafting, 300 Classic Cooking, 75 Outland Cooking, 75 Northrend Cooking, 300 Classic Fishing, 75 Outland Fishing, 3 Northrend Fishing, 11 Cataclysm Fishing, 7 Archaeology
This used to be my "main Alliance alt" back in the day. I wrote a bit more about her history and how I ended up reviving her for the draenei heritage quest in this post. Again, you can kind of tell that this is an old character that saw a lot of play up to Wrath from the profession skills. I plan to take her to 80 eventually.
Shinlu - AN
- Level 68 human monk (+7)
- 22 days, 14 hours /played (+5 hours)
- Professions (changed from 2023 only): 160 Kul Tiran Leatherworking (+10), 54 Northrend Skinning (+3), 100 Legion Skinning (+20), 29 Dragon Isles Skinning (+24), 63 Kul Tiran Cooking (+15), 16 Draenor Fishing, 690 Archaeology (+12)
My old Shadowlands main still hasn't really seen much love, but apparently gained seven levels in only five hours of play time, because that's how retail rolls these days. I remember trying out the follower dungeon feature on her when it came out, but other than that I don't think I did very much, though those profession skill-ups must have come from somewhere I guess.
Tidella - AN
- Level 54 Kul Tiran shaman (+6)
- 1 day, 21 hours /played (+4 hours)
- Professions (changed from 2023 only): 77 Outland Mining (+77), 3 Outland Engineering (+3)
Similar story here, with six levels gained in four hours of play, all of which were me going on a mining spree in Outland because I was after some old mats for some reason at that particular moment.
Isadora - Norgannon
- Level 19 human paladin
- 1 day, 22 hours /played
- Professions: 130 Classic Blacksmithing, 121 Classic Mining, 109 Classic Cooking, 97 Classic Fishing
This is the very first character I ever created, a paladin on a German server. Like several other old characters, I decided to take her out for a spin after the Warband patch. It's kind of funny that I remember her being in her mid-20s before the level squish, but post-squish she got to quest through some of the human starter zones all over again, which was a nice nostalgia trip even with all the post-Cataclysm changes.
Eartha - AN
- Level 26 earthen shaman
- 2 hours /played
- Professions: none
I wasn't that keen on the earthen when they were first announced, but I did end up liking them in the story, so after I'd unlocked them I decided to make one just for the heck of it. Also, they have a racial that gives a massive boost to exploration XP... but that's a topic for another post.